Navigating mental health during the festive period

Many Australians report an increase in mental health symptoms at Christmas time. HMRI Director, Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin is also a mental health researcher from our Healthy Minds Research Program. Hear Frances talk about how to help navigate mental health issues over the festive period – both your own and that of your loved ones. 

Asthma in Pregnancy Toolkit pilot to start in Canberra

A world first Asthma and Pregnancy toolkit designed to improve the health of pregnant women and their babies will be rolled out across the ACT. Developed by HMRI and University of Newcastle researchers, the toolkit is designed to ensure that health care professionals have access to the most up to date evidence-based treatments for pregnant women. 

Researchers find breast cancer protein that could predict chemotherapy sensitivity

Researchers have identified a protein that, when present in high amounts in breast cancer tumours, is an indicator of whether DNA-damaging therapies will work or not. Lead author of the study, HMRI and University of Newcastle PhD researcher Luiza Steffens-Reinhardt, said this work could lead to more effective chemotherapy for people with breast cancer.

Why haven’t I had COVID yet?

Throughout the pandemic, Australia has recorded 10.4 million cases of COVID-19, with the majority occurring this year. That leaves about a third of the population who are yet to have COVID – or NOVIDs. So what do we know about NOVIDs?