How to beat weight gain at menopause

For many women, the journey through menopause is a roller coaster of symptoms including hot flushes, night sweats, sleep disturbance, dry and itchy skin, mood changes, anxiety, depression and weight gain. Even though weight gain is common, you can beat it by using menopause as an opportunity to reset your eating and exercise habits.

World Mental Health Day 2022 | How we can look after our mental health

On World Mental Health Day, Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin speaks with ABC Newcastle about what mental health services are available (both face-to-face and online), the best way to access those services, and how we can help young people with their mental health concerns – today and every day. 

Exploring new treatment opportunities for ovarian cancer

Drug repurposing involves investigating new uses for approved drugs that could be used to treat other conditions in a timely, costly and hugely impactful way. Professor Nikola Bowden and Jill Emberson PhD Scholarship Winner, Bayley Matthews, spoke with ABC Newcastle about their research into repurposing drugs to find a treatment for ovarian cancer.