An international study of primary school students showed that just two hours of extra physical activity each week can significantly improve academic performance and concentration levels.
Author: Marlin Admin
The DADEE of all activity programs to benefit young girls
World-first lifestyle program developed to enhance the physical and social-emotional wellbeing of young girls was launched today by University of Newcastle researchers.
Researchers closing gap on Indigenous health
Hunter New England Health clinician and researcher Nicole Turner was honoured at the recent 2014 NSW Aboriginal Health Awards for her work in encouraging nutritious eating, physical activity and healthy weight for indigenous children.
Indigenous education founded on mutual respect
The Gomeroi gaaynggal program is an ArtsHealth program operating in the Taminda area of Tamworth, using a positive strengths-based approach to building health education for Aboriginal women throughout their pregnancy and during the early childhood years.
Christmas message from Michael Nilsson
HMRI Director Michael Nilsson gives thanks to the supporters and researchers who made it all possible.
Mattress helping to manage sleep apnoea
A unique bedding system developed by medical researchers in Sweden and Newcastle to help alleviate sleep apnoea and heavy snoring has shown promising results in clinical trials.
Dads and Daughters activity program kicks off today
The world-first physical activity research program ‘Dads And Daughters Exercising and Empowered’ (DADEE) kicks off at the University of Newcastle today with around 100 Hunter fathers taking part.
Hunter chosen as test site for stroke detector
The Hunter Region NSW will become the international testing ground for a new microwave-imaging headpiece that helps ambulance and emergency teams rapidly diagnose stroke and other traumatic brain injuries.
Wives to help spread sunscreen message
HMRI public health researchers are enlisting the help of wives in a bid to encourage older men to slip, slop, slap, seek and slide … and also get their skin checked annually by a doctor.
ATLAS study overcomes teen resistance to exercise
A school-based physical activity study, ATLAS (Active Teen Leaders Avoiding Screen-time) has achieved the double ‘whammy’ – a marked improvement in fitness among adolescent boys and a reduction in television and video game usage.