Five things you need to know about stroke

For National Stroke Week (8 – 14 August), world-leading stroke researcher Professor Coralie English shares five things everyone needs to know about stroke, from prevention and identification, to rehabilitation and living well after stroke.  

COVID Q&A: The Future of COVID

What is the future of COVID? We talk to respiratory disease researcher and physician Professor Peter Wark, viral Immunologist Associate Professor Nathan Bartlett on what we can expect for the future of COVID-19.  

Can a keto diet help with migraine?

With past studies showing that elevated ketone levels may exhibit benefits for those with neurological conditions like epilepsy, can a ketogenic (keto) diet help one of the world’s other most common neurological conditions – migraine?

Focusing on research co-production for autism

Supporting the varying needs of autistic people is a focus that researchers from HMRI and the University of Newcastle’s Family Interactions & Neurodevelopmental Lab (FIND LAB) are working collaboratively to achieve. With a focus on children and young people, the aim of their research is to study, promote and facilitate healthy development and wellbeing of […]

Is chocolate good or bad for you?

As we head towards the Easter long weekend and no doubt over-consumption of all things chocolate, we spoke with HMRI and University of Newcastle Molecular Nutritionist, Dr Emma Beckett, to get the truth about whether chocolate is really good or bad for you?