COVID-19 nasal spray moves to Phase 2 study

Encouraging preliminary results from an ongoing phase 1 study have triggered the announcement of phase 2 studies for a first-in-class nasal spray to protect people from respiratory viral diseases such as COVID-19 and influenza.

A new study answers vital question about preterm labour and opens the door for future treatments

A team of researchers from the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) and the University of Newcastle has discovered the process of labour during preterm birth is different from that of full-term birth. In a paper recently published in the prestigious American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the research team discovered a distinct difference in the […]

COVID Q&A: Maintaining physical activity and fitness during lockdowns

We asked HMRI and The University of Newcastle physical activity researcher Professor David Lubans some of the common questions people have been asking about maintaining fitness and exercising during lockdown when we don’t have access to gyms and our movements away from home are restricted.

Your COVID Questions Answered

Lots of curiosity and questions surround COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccines.So what’s fact and what is fiction. We put the call out on our social media channels for your COVID questions and had them answered by some of our leading experts in this space.