Dr Andrew Reid

Dr Andrew Reid

postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Newcastle

Research Programs

NHMRC 2021 Ideas grant to investigate role of mucociliary clearance in bronchiectasis progression
Lung Foundation Australia PCD Fellowship: Development of patient-centric drug screening platform to address deficient mucociliary clearance in PCD
Development of a world renowned in vitro mucociliary clearance model of various airways diseases that has been used to attract significant funding since its development

Dr Andrew Reid is a postdoctoral research fellow and a leading authority in field of human airway epithelial studies at the University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI).

He has a keen interest in the causes and treatment of the predominantly idiopathic lung disease, bronchiectasis. Dr Reid is a mid-career researcher and the driving force behind the innovative cell culture models that mimic mucociliary clearance in the airways. On the back of such models, Dr Reid and A/Prof Grainge received an NHMRC Ideas grant in late 2021 to pursue how impaired mucociliary clearance may be driving the development and progression of bronchiectasis.

Dr Reid has secured more than $1.4m in research and equipment funding, from NHMRC, HMRI, Hunter New England Health, Lung Foundation Australia (LFA), and University of Newcastle.

To date, he has published 27 research articles, 15 since 2020 leading to 582 citations with h-index of 18.

Dr Reid is currently a member of the Australian Bronchiectasis Consortium, American Thoracic Society (ATS), LFA, Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) exercising roles as conference chair and routine presenter. In addition, Dr Reid has supervised 5 PhD students to completion, with another approaching completion. Dr Reid is an editorial board member for the Frontiers in Allergy Journal and is also a peer reviewer for AJP-Lung and The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology.