Pregnant women with asthma are needed to help researchers better understand the impact of treatable traits upon their pregnancy outcomes.
“Good asthma control improves outcomes for both mother and child”
Asthma in Pregnancy Toolkit, 2024
Why is the research being done?
Asthma is one of the most common diseases in pregnancy. Many women find that their asthma gets worse and they may need to seek medical help for an asthma attack during pregnancy. When asthma is not well controlled it can also cause health problems for baby. This can include being born too early or too small.
We know that some Treatable Traits are common during pregnancy and treating them may help asthma symptoms. However, there are other Treatable Traits which might affect asthma during pregnancy that researchers and doctors don’t yet know much about. Examples include gestational diabetes (pregnancy diabetes), exercise levels or reflux (heartburn).
You can learn more about the concept of Treatable Traits here
Who can participate in the research?
This study is suitable for women in early pregnancy (12 weeks to less than 17 weeks) who:
- Have a diagnosis of asthma from a doctor
- Have had asthma symptoms (cough, wheeze, breathlessness) and / or have taken asthma medication in the last 12 months
- Are over 18 years of age
- Be having your baby with one of our 10 hospital sites across NSW and VIC (this includes John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle)
What will study participants be asked to do?
This is an observational study only, and no changes to your health care will take place. You will still receive your normal level of pregnancy care, and the health of you and your baby will not be affected by participation in our study.
We would like to collect information about any Treatable Traits that you may have. This will help us understand how asthma can be best looked after during pregnancy. When asthma is well controlled during pregnancy, it helps keep both mum and baby healthy.
If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to sign the Participant Consent Form.
The study involves:
- 3 study visits 10 weeks apart at your maternity clinic location during your pregnancy where we will talk to you about your asthma, and you will undergo a series of tests and measurements. (duration: 90min).
- Online surveys before each study visit (duration: 20 min per session)
- A phone call around 1 month following your baby’s birth (duration:15 min)
- We would also like to look at your health records from this pregnancy and those of your baby. This is the information that is collected at your usual antenatal appointments. (For example: your blood pressure results, blood glucose test results, your baby’s birthweight).
How to participate in the study
To find out more about this study and whether it is right for you please download our Participant Information Statement.
If you would like to participate in this study please contact our clinical research manager:
Kelly Steel
P: 0438211806
E: [email protected]