Are you getting your two and five?

Are you getting your two and five?

We know that fruit and vegetables reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and some cancers, yet 95% of Australian’s do not consume the recommended 2 and 5 serves per day.


We know that fruit and vegetables reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and some cancers, yet 95% of Australian’s do not consume the recommended 2 and 5 serves per day.

Does the amount and type of fruit and vegetables we eat make a difference to our diet quality & wellbeing? That’s what a team of researchers from the University of Newcastle and the Hunter Medical Research Institute are aiming to discover.

This research study will evaluate the effect of dietary patterns aimed to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. In this six month study, participants will receive 2 weeks’ worth of fruit and vegetables, a comprehensive assessment of their diet, body composition and metabolism, access to personalised dietary consultations with an Accredited Practicing Dietitian and email support.

Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, dietary fibre and contain many vitamins and minerals that are vital to optimising the way the body works. We often overlook fruits and vegetables as being one of the best ways to prevent chronic diseases.

Personalised dietary consultations will arm participants with strategies and tools to overcome barriers to achieving the recommended daily intake of fruit and veg. What is even better, the dietary consultations will be delivered by video coaching, increasing the flexibility and accessibility for participants.

“Eating 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables every day is the recommended way to improve your health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases” says project lead Professor Clare Collins. “What we’re keen to explore in this study is whether some fruits and vegetables are better at improving diet quality and overall wellbeing.”

The team is seeking 80 individuals aged 18+ who have broadband internet access to participate in this research study. Participants will receive a free fruit and vegetable box and Coles Myer gift cards. To find out more, please email Katherine Brain (katherine.brain@newcastle.edu.au).

* HMRI is a partnership between the University of Newcastle, Hunter New England Health and the community.

** This research is being conducted by Professor Clare Collins, Dr Lee Ashton, A/Prof Tracy Burrows, Ms Katherine Brain, Prof Robin Callister, Dr Rebecca Haslam, Dr Melinda Hutchesson, Dr Megan Rollo and Dr Tracy Schumacher.

