Long naps may improve memory in people with high risk of dementia

Sleep and dementia researcher, Dr Caroline Faucher, from HMRI’s Brain Neuromodulation Research Program has identified the impact that napping could have on the memory of those at who could be at high risk of dementia.  In a recent study, she looked at people who have the APOE4 gene, a gene that gives you a high risk […]

Lecanemab: the drug giving hope to people at risk of dementia

It’s estimated that there are more than 400,000 Australians currently living with dementia and around 150,000 people develop dementia in Australia each year.Without a medical breakthrough, the number of people with dementia is expected to double by 2058, according to Dementia Australia. In order to address this impending health epidemic, Professor Michael Breakspear, psychiatrist and […]