New HMRI study aims to put asthma into remission

Researchers at HMRI and the University of Newcastle evaluated a drug called azithromycin, a macrolide antibiotic, to see if it would put moderate to severe asthma into remission.  Professor Peter Gibson from HMRI’s Asthma and Breathing program says that the findings were very promising.   “We’ve taken a different approach by testing another type of drug. […]

Five ways to cope after traumatic events

 It’s normal to experience traumatic stress following a disturbing event, whether it’s a traffic accident, plane crash, or a violent crime like we saw at Bondi Westfield over the weekend. These are abnormal events… particularly when they involve acts of aggression and death… and no matter how close to these incidents we are, it is […]

Researchers provide world-first platform to help understand how bushfire smoke harms the lungs and heart

A team of researchers led by Professor Jay Horvat and Dr Henry Gomez have developed a world-first platform to define the impact of exposure to landscape fire smoke on the heart and lungs.  The researchers found that short and long-term exposure to landscape fire smoke particulate matter (bushfire smoke) increased the hyperresponsiveness of airways and […]

How HMRI researchers are predicting the next pandemic

Pandemics have been around forever.  Hunter New England Health Infectious Disease physician and Director of HMRI’s Infection Research Program, Professor Joshua Davis says, “As long as humans encroach on habitat, eat animal products, travel globally or have anything to with bats, we are going to continue to experience pandemics.”  So how can we predict and […]

What is polytrauma?

HMRI Researcher of the Year, Professor Zsolt Balogh, wants polytrauma recognised as a disease. His international peers are in agreement with him on this concept.