Helping pregnant women breathe easy

HMRI’s world-first Asthma in Pregnancy Toolkit is making a significant impact on the next generation, empowering pregnant women to take control of their health and that of their babies

New ways to fight stroke

In Australia, someone has a stroke every 19 minutes.Treatment of stroke has changed enormously over the last 25 years. Rapid identification, transport, imaging and treatment have led to more effective therapies thanks, in no small part, to HMRI research.

Grant success for researchers tackling chronic back pain

Researchers from HMRI, The University of Newcastle, The University of Sydney and Hunter New England Local Health District have been awarded one of six HCF Research Foundation Translational Research Grants (TRGs) to improve healthcare services quality and access for older Australians.

Yarning after stroke

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities of the Tamworth and Quirindi regions are working with HMRI researchers to develop a culturally appropriate yarning tool for after stroke.

Groundbreaking research has potential to transform physiotherapy practices in Australia.

Connor Gleadhill, a senior physiotherapist and HMRI researcher with the Population Health Research Program has achieved a significant milestone in his research journey. The article titled ‘Meaningful coproduction with clinicians: establishing a practice-based research network with physiotherapists in regional Australia’ has been published in the Health Research Policy and Systems Journal.