COVID Q&A: Maintaining physical activity and fitness during lockdowns

COVID Q&A: Maintaining physical activity and fitness during lockdowns

We asked HMRI and The University of Newcastle physical activity researcher Professor David Lubans some of the common questions people have been asking about maintaining fitness and exercising during lockdown when we don’t have access to gyms and our movements away from home are restricted.

Are you missing the gym because of lockdown? Perhaps having trouble staying motivated to exercise at home?

We asked HMRI and The University of Newcastle physical activity researcher Professor David Lubans some of the common questions people have been asking about maintaining fitness and exercising during lockdown when we don’t have access to gyms and our movements away from home are restricted.

Questions covered and their time stamps include:

– My gym is closed, what can I do at home to exercise that requires no equipment? (0.54s)

– I usually lift weights at the gym, how can I maintain my strength when I don’t have access to my gym and how fast will I lose strength? (4m 51s)

– What can I do to keep my kids active when they don’t have access to their weekend sport? (10m 55s)

– I’ve been walking around my neighborhood for exercise during lockdown, how can I make it more challenging or interesting? (14m 44s)

