ESTEEM After Stroke – Stroke Recovery Workshops

ESTEEM After Stroke – Stroke Recovery Workshops

Have you had a stroke?  Are you a carer for someone who has had a stroke? You can help!

Researchers need people who have had a stroke, or are carers for someone who has had a stroke, to participate in a community-based program to support stroke recovery for stroke survivors. The aim of the group is to incorporate exercise, socialising, and art-based thinking activities to improve recovery and quality of life for people living with stroke.   

The researchers want to understand how a group for stroke survivors, the ESTEEM Program, one which enables people to exercise, socialise and participate in art-based thinking activities, could work when delivered by community-based care providers. The ESTEEM Program aims to provide people living with stroke easier access to further rehabilitation after their discharge from the hospital and other health- based services.

We seek to test what effect the ESTEEM Program has on stroke survivor independence, emotional health, and quality of life.

ESTEEM Program Structure

We are looking for the following people to participate:

  • People who have had a stroke and their carers

If you’re unsure if you fit these criteria, a discussion with the researchers can help you decide if this research is right for you.

If you take part in the study, you will be asked to participate in the ESTEEM Program.  

The program runs for 10 weeks and is held on Mondays and Wednesdays 10am-12.30pm.

  • What are the potential benefits for providing a group that involves exercise, social and thinking activities in the community-based setting?
  • What might make it easy and hard for stroke survivors and carers to regularly attend such a group in the community setting?
  • What might be the long-term impacts of such a community-based group for stroke survivors and their carers?
  • What might be the impacts on care providers who would run the group?
  • What might be needed to make sure the group is successful in the community setting?

If you would like to participate in the study, please contact:

Dr Heidi Janssen
T: (02) 4921 4037
E: [email protected]

You can also follow the ESTEEM After Stroke Facebook page here

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