Have you had a stroke? Are you a carer for someone who has had a stroke? You can help!
Researchers need people who have had a stroke, or are carers for someone who has had a stroke, to participate in a community-based program to support stroke recovery for stroke survivors – the ESTEEM Program. The aim of the Program is to incorporate exercise, socialising, and art-based thinking activities to improve recovery and quality of life for people living with stroke.
Why is the research being done?
The ESTEEM Program is informed by evidence from experimental models of stroke that a combination of physical, cognitive and social activity can increase brain plasticity. Brain plasticity is an important process for re-learning skills and function after stroke.
Researchers are looking at the effect the ESTEEM Program has on stroke survivor independence, emotional health and quality of life.
Who can participate in the research?
To participate, you need to:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have had a stroke
- Live in the Hunter New England Local Health District
- Live at home in the community (not in a residential care facility)
If you’re unsure if you fit these criteria, please contact the research team to decide if this research is right for you.
What will study participants be asked to do?If you take part in the study, you will be asked to participate in the ESTEEM Program.
The program runs twice a week for 10 weeks and has been designed by physiotherapists as well as experienced dancers and artists. Each session consists of:
- 30 minutes of group exercise
- 30 minutes of socialisation over morning tea
- 90 minutes of either visual arts or movement-to-music
The program currently runs at:
- West Wallsend, Mondays and Wednesdays 10am-12.30pm,
- Kurri Kurri, Tuesday and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm.
As part of the research, participants will need to participate in all three aspects of the program for the 10 weeks, and will be asked to attend up to 4 research appointments.
This is a research trial where you may be placed on a waitlist to wait for a spot to join the program.
How to participate
If you are interested in the ESTEEM Program Research Study, please complete this brief survey form here. This form will require you to provide some details about yourself and your stroke to help the research team respond to your expression of interest.
You can also reach out to our research team by phone 0436 307 646, or email ESTEEMAfterStroke@newcastle.edu.au.
You can read the Participant Information Statement here
Dr Heidi Janssen
T: (02) 4921 4037
E: heidi.janssen@health.nsw.gov.au
You can also follow the ESTEEM After Stroke Facebook page here or view the ESTEEM After Stroke Program website here