Gift in Will

Gift in Will

Leaving a legacy for future generations

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Leaving a gift in your will is a profound and generous way to support Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) and create a legacy with impact. 

Your gift will help save lives and change lives, now and into the future. No matter the size, when you include a gift in your will to HMRI, you also join a community of supporters who are deeply special to us.

We greatly appreciate everyone that chooses to consider us as part of their estate planning, and will do everything we can to honour their wishes. 


For a confidential discussion about leaving a gift in your Will to HMRI, please contact Julia Berry, Senior Direct Marketing and Bequests Manager Philanthropy by phone or our contact form.

Phone: (02) 4042 0581

A gift for future generations

The benefits of medical research live on long after you’re gone. Your bequest can help us fund new projects each year ensuring that together, we can beat the many diseases our communities face.

In some cases, a bequest represents an opportunity for you to make a greater gift to medical research than you may have been able to give in your lifetime. We invite you to think about this special form of giving. 

Creating or updating a will can be a challenging time for anyone to consider. We’d love the opportunity to discuss this with you to better understand your wishes and help you consider the options when leaving a gift in will. 

Please contact our team to discuss leaving a bequest.

Like many long-term married couples, Dianne and Ray finish each other’s sentences, particularly when it comes to subjects they’re passionate about, like supporting health and medical research.

Dianne and Ray have been making an annual donation to HMRI for many years – and have also chosen to leave HMRI a bequest in their Will. When writing up their Will they thought about how a bequest could benefit the local community, so HMRI was an obvious choice.

However, the couple are adamant that this time is way off. “It depends on how long we live, so don’t get your hopes up!” Dianne says with a hearty chuckle, and Ray joins in with a booming laugh.

Ray and Dianne also acknowledge that there’s a lot of charities deserving of funding, but they choose HMRI because of its 25+ year history.

“I’d prefer to spend the money on research that’s already going and has a chance of getting somewhere, not a specific area of disease,” Dianne says.

Will Hallidays

Choosing your gift

There are several ways to choose how to leave a gift in your will for HMRI. 


General-purpose bequest

With so many advancements in medical science, we don’t know exactly what diseases, cures or treatments will require further research in the decades ahead.

A general-purpose bequest ensures HMRI can respond to changing research needs and priorities, now and into the future. A general-purpose gift is the most flexible as it gives the Institute Director, after consultation with HMRI Leadership, the ability to decide which activities and projects are funded by your bequest.

Specified-purpose bequest

Some people prefer to specify which area of research (such as asthma, dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, stroke, heart disease, mental health, diabetes, or cancer research) they wish to support with their bequest. 

For any specified bequest, we simply ask that you contact HMRI to ensure that research is conducted in your area of interest.

The words used in a will are very important as they need to accurately convey your intentions and wishes. To access our suggested wording for including HMRI in your Will, please contact our team.


The different types of gifts to HMRI you can choose in your Will

We understand that family and loved ones come first when you’re thinking of writing your Will. At HMRI, we are grateful for any bequest you choose to leave, no matter the size or type.

There are a few different types of gifts you can choose from.

A residual gift

When all the other gifts in your Will have been made and every expense has been paid to finalise your estate, the remainder is known as your ‘residual estate’. This is a simple way to leave a gift that needn’t interfere with any specific bequests to loved ones. It will also retain its value over time (unlike a specific cash gift that can reduce in value with inflation.

It can be difficult to choose a specific cash amount to leave when you may not know how much will be in your estate when the time comes. Leaving a percentage of your estate, or of the residuary of your estate, ensures the proportion you intended for HMRI stays the same.

You can leave any identifiable asset as a bequest to HMRI. A specific gift may include a set amount of money, shares, life insurance, property, super and bank proceeds.

If you’re considering leaving real estate or shares to HMRI, you may wish to consider leaving the gift in-specie. This means it may be transferred directly to HMRI and may save your estate paying capital gains tax on the sale of the asset. Your legal advisor can provide advice as to whether this is suitable to your circumstance.

type of will

Join our
Friends for the Future
supporter group

The HMRI Friends for the Future supporter group is for people who are considering or have decided to leave a bequest to HMRI.

It’s a lovely way to meet other like-minded people with a passion for advancing medical research and treatment for patients.

As a Friends for the Future supporter, we will inform you about our research and include you on our invitation list to community seminars and supporter events.

Each year we hold an exclusive event for our Friends for the Future supporters where you will hear first-hand from HMRI researchers about their work and meet the Institute Director and the HMRI Team.

Some of our Friends for the Future supporters

Contact our team

Each day, we’re honoured to speak with donors that are lighting the way for the future of mental health research. If you’re considering including a gift to HMRI in your will – thank you so much.

We have prepared a brochure about leaving a gift to HMRI in your Will, which includes details on how bequests can help HMRI, as well as information that may be useful for your solicitor.

We can also share further information about:

  • How HMRI uses gifts in Wils
  • Wording to use in your Will
  • How to leave an endowed gift in your Will
  • Information 
  • Any questions you might have about the process

Rest assured, you are under no obligation and your intentions can change at any time. 

For more information, a confidential discussion, or any other ways we can assets, please get in touch with
Julia Berry, Senior Direct Marketing and Bequests Manager on (02) 4042 0581.

Contact HMRI about leaving a gift in your Will


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