Helping pregnant women breathe easy

Helping pregnant women breathe easy

Helping pregnant women breathe easy

HMRI’s world-first Asthma in Pregnancy Toolkit is making a significant impact on the next generation, empowering pregnant women to take control of their health and that of their babies

Helping pregnant women breathe easy

HMRI’s world-first Asthma in Pregnancy Toolkit is making a significant impact on the next generation, empowering pregnant women to take control of their health and that of their babies.

HMRI researchers developed this ground-breaking toolkit with the aim of providing healthcare professionals with the most up-to-date evidence-based treatments for pregnant women. With over 25 years of pioneering asthma research, HMRI has established itself as a global leader in the field.

Asthma is the most prevalent medical condition affecting pregnancy, posing risks to both mothers and their unborn children. Children born to mothers with asthma are at a higher risk of experiencing poor perinatal outcomes, wheezing, asthma, and adverse developmental effects.
However, until now, there has been a lack of specialised resources to guide the management of asthma in pregnant women.
To bridge this gap, the online Asthma in Pregnancy Toolkit was created as a centralised source of evidencebased resources.

The interventions conducted during pregnancy hold immense potential in shaping the future health trajectory for both mother and child. The toolkit equips healthcare professionals with the latest information on asthma management during pregnancy. It also offers valuable resources for families navigating this unique circumstance.
Leading the development of the toolkit is Associate Professor Vanessa Murphy, who possesses a personal understanding of its importance. As someone living with asthma herself, Vanessa has experienced firsthand the impact of the condition during pregnancy.

“I had a flare-up when I was pregnant with my younger daughter, and I had to take steroids for the first time in my life. It was a truly frightening experience,” said Associate Professor Murphy. “The toolkit includes a dedicated section for women and families, including a list of questions they can bring to their healthcare professionals.”

Effective asthma control during pregnancy is crucial for the well-being of both the mother and the developing baby. However, many obstetricians and midwives may not fully comprehend the significance of asthma in pregnancy outcomes. Women with asthma are at a heightened risk of low birth weight, pre-term birth, and various other adverse outcomes. “Our research has shed light on the increased risk of poor pregnancy outcomes for mothers with asthma.
We have also established that active asthma management during pregnancy yields the best outcomes for both mother and baby.” One of the common concerns among pregnant women with asthma is the safety of asthma prevention medications. However, research indicates that the risk to the baby is greater if the mother stops taking her medication. Asthma medications have been shown to be safe during pregnancy, while asthma flare-ups can pose significant dangers.

The Asthma in Pregnancy Toolkit addresses these concerns with evidence to reassure pregnant women of the safety of asthma medications. The toolkit also offers practical tips for managing asthma during pregnancy, along with targeted webinars presented by esteemed researchers and experts in the field. For those interested, the Asthma in Pregnancy Toolkit is accessible to all at asthmapregnancytoolkit.org.au.

