The HMRI Data Sciences platform consists of three specialised teams that are all broadly related to applying advanced analytics techniques and scientific principles to extract valuable information from data, The teams comprise:
- Health Informatics
- Biostatistics
- Bioinformatics
Consulting work on all projects begin with a free 1 hour meeting to discuss the project and determine scope of work. In general, all analysis and work conducted by the data sciences platform is performed at an hourly rate that increases depending on the depth of input and advice required.
Health Informatics
Health Informatics is the application of information technology, data visualisation and data reporting to assist with the capturing of health information, and processing/ preparing this information for visualisation, reporting or more complex analyses.
REDCap database builds: The team has comprehensive experience in building databases within REDCap, from cross-sectional surveys through to complex data management systems for clinical trials with longitudinal follow-up. The team also can assist with the use of MyCap for data capture on mobile phones. Quoted hours are influenced by:
- Number of instruments including consent/PIS/withdrawal, data collection forms, contact log/AE log
- Number and complexity of questions for each instrument (including branching, matrixes)
- Complexity of database design e.g. longitudinal, repeated instruments, external modules etc
- REDCap features e.g. required survey queue, automated survey invitations/Alerts and notifications, randomisation (standard or automated), data access groups, MyCap}
Advice (up to 6): Intended to provide tailored support for small groups wishing to develop and or increase capacity to build their own databases.
HNELHD data extractions: Access to datasets within the Hunter New England Local Health District are available through the HMRI Health Informatician. Approval to access the data is conditional on obtaining sign-off from the data custodian, as well as signing a data use agreement. Aggregated data is available to affiliates for grant applications without need for data release forms.
Dashboards and interactive data visualizations: Interactive real-time data summaries and visualisations prepared in either Power BI or Shiny applications for public or password-restricted deployment.
Biostatistics is the development and application of statistical methods and principals of epidemiology to a wide range of topics in medicine, public health, and biology. The team specialises in the design and analysis of:
- Clinical trials, pragmatic trials (including cluster randomised control trials, stepped wedge trials, multiple baseline designs, etc),
- Observational studies including cohorts and registries, linked data, causal modelling techniques
- Predictive, prognostic, and diagnostic studies using machine learning and statistical methodologies
- Instrument validation studies.
- Meta-analysis
Study design and sample size: The team can provide advice and assistance on appropriate study design to answer your research question, as well as assistance with estimating the required sample size/power for your study. For grant applications this advice is generally provided for free for HMRI affiliates belonging to a HMRI program, provided there is a budget allocation in the grant for statistical analysis. Projects with more complex study designs (e.g., adaptive trials) can be supported, depending on the scope, complex design may incur a fee..
Randomisation schedules: Randomisation schedules can be developed as required. We can offer stratification, randomised permuted blocks, constrained randomisation and minimisation. A description of the methodology is provided together with a list that is suitable for uploading into REDCap.
Bioinformatics, as related to genetics and genomics, is a scientific subdiscipline that involves using computer technology to collect, store, analyse and disseminate biological data and information, such as DNA and amino acid sequences or annotations about those sequences.
Please click here for more details on the services provided
The support services are accessible to all researchers, registrars, and staff of the University of Newcastle, Hunter New England Local Health District and HMRI, with each HMRI affiliated researcher provided with an initial consultation of 1 hour free of charge. In addition, support for grant applications is also provided free on the understanding that a budget for analysis will be included in the grant, and if successful, the work will be brought to the unit.
The unit will also undertake consulting services for biomedical researchers external to the University of Newcastle, the Hunter New England Local Health District or HMRI, although this is at a different fee structure.
To request a service (grant preparation, research design guidance, sample size calculations, advice/assistance in statistical analyses), PhD support, or a to request a new REDcap user, use the links below.
Request for new HMRI REDCap user
For all other enquiries, please contact Reanna Moore, using the contact form below.
It is a good idea to come prepared with a clear idea of your aims, hypotheses, data collection materials, primary outcomes, and budget.
The researchers meet with the senior statistician, data manager, and/or bioinformatician to discuss the project, the main research questions and to put together the outline of the statistical analysis or data management plan.
Based on that plan, a written quote is put together and an estimate of the amount of time anticipated for deliverables. This quote is sent to the researcher for verification and if confirmed, the project is assigned to a unit member. Depending on the workload of the unit there may be varying timelines for deliverables and this will be discussed with the researchers.
Statistical analyses are written up in a report that includes the methods, the results, and an interpretation. We will routinely meet with researchers to take them through the results face-to-face and answer any questions.
There is some leeway to modify and clarify various analyses but new directions and new analyses will need to be costed and quoted separately.
The quote includes time to provide feedback on the manuscript, assist in writing up the statistical methods, results and discussion, and respond to reviewers.
We subscribe to the authorship guide suggested by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The ICMJE recommends that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:
Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
Final approval of the version to be published; AND
Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Where these criteria are met we expect that unit staff will be included as authors on any publications resulting from their analyses and input
Statistical Packages Used
Statistical software used in the unit includes: Stata, SAS, R and Python.
The unit does not routinely use SPSS and GraphPad so support for these packages is limited.