Associate Professor Rachel Heath

Associate Professor Rachel Heath

Honorary Associate Professor In Psychology, University of Newcastle

Research Programs


Winner of several ARC Large Grants, including an inaugural grant in cognitive science, and a large grant from Worksafe Australia for Occupational Health research
Author of 63 book chapters and refereed articles, 30 minor publications and 164 conference presentations and invited talks
University of Newcastle Long Service Medallion, and media research publicity in the UK, including a talk on the BBC Radio 4 Science Show

Associate Professor Rachel Heath graduated from McMaster University, Canada in 1976 with a PhD in Psychology. She has held Professor positions at two United Kingdom universities and an Honorary Professorship at Newcastle.

Rachel is the author/co-author of two books on transgender health and one on nonlinear dynamics applications in psychology.

Her current research interests are mathematical modelling and assessment of human wellness using an app in final stages of development. Applications include tracking health changes in those with chronic physical and mental illness or long Covid. Rachel also has an interest in aviation human factors, including flight simulation.