Dr Changyan He

Dr Changyan He

Lecturer, University of Newcastle

Published 16 journals and 20 conference papers
Total career funding: $49,000
Key research focus: magnetic actuation and fibre sensors for robotic surgery

Dr Changyan He received his B.E. in Mechanical and Automation Engineering at Beijing Jiaotong University and PhD at Beihang University in China in 2021. He was a visiting PhD student at Johns Hopkins University in USA from 2017 to 2019.

Before joining the University of Newcastle, Dr He was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Toronto and SickKids Hospital.

Changyan’s research explores the role of robotic systems, including continuum manipulators, flexible sensors, magnetic tools, and intelligent robotic control frameworks, in surgical procedures. Dr He’s work aims to revolute conventional surgical procedures accompanied by open and large invasions to minimally invasive surgeries.