Dr David Boettiger

Dr David Boettiger


Research Programs

Published 81 peer-reviewed papers since 2013 (53% as first author and 10% as senior author); 95% involving international collaboration; 21 policy citations (Overton)
Chief Investigator on 9 grants totalling $7.4 million
Supervised 3 PhD candidates, 5 MSc candidates, and 4 honours students to completion

Dr David Boettiger uses his detailed knowledge of epidemiology, biostatistics, and health economics to analyse large cohorts and clinical trials, and build quantitative models that address key infectious disease concerns.

His current research is built around the FluTracking surveillance network which compiles weekly data on rates of respiratory illness, vaccine uptake and care seeking in the community.

Since 2013, Dr Boettiger has published more than 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and been chief investigator on grants totalling more than $7 million.

His work is cited in WHO, Asian, US and European clinical guidelines and he regularly consults for major public health organisations including the US CDC, WHO and World Bank.

Dr Boettiger has supervised 3 PhD candidates, 5 MSc candidates, and 4 honours students to completion. In addition to his roles in the Hunter region, he holds an adjunct position at the Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney.