Dr Nicholas Zdenkowski

Dr Nicholas Zdenkowski

Medical Oncologist and Medical Advisor

LATER trial – first trial showing a benefit to extended adjuvant endocrine therapy for early stage ER positive breast cancer
DOMINO – led the development of a decision aid for patients considering neoadjuvant therapy for early stage breast cancer
PROSPECT – high profile publication showing that some patients may be able to avoid breast radiotherapy after pre-operative MRI

Dr Nick Zdenkowski is a medical oncologist and clinician researcher specialising in breast cancer with a focus on integrating research into routine clinical practice.

After earning his medical degree (BMed, Newcastle) and completing basic physician training, Dr Zdenkowski trained as a medical oncologist (FRACP), driven by the need for improved cancer patient outcomes. He continues to practice clinically at Maitland Private Hospital and The Breast and Endocrine Centre, Gateshead, delivering evidence-based care.

Dr Zdenkowski serves as Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee and Medical Adviser for Breast Cancer Trials, a collaborative clinical trials group based in Newcastle.

His research interests include patient decision-making, supportive cancer care, and the integration of research findings into clinical practice. His PhD thesis investigates pre-operative systemic therapy for operable breast cancer, considering patient, clinician, and system factors, and includes the development of a patient decision aid successfully integrated into patient care pathways.

He holds a Graduate Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology (Newcastle) and a Clinical Diploma in Palliative Care (RACP).

Dr Zdenkowski has developed significant expertise in clinical trials through his fellowship with Breast Cancer Trials and has a Web of Science h-index of 5, with 23 peer-reviewed publications and 24 abstracts presented since 2013.

As the principal investigator on several clinical trials, he is also the Australian coordinating investigator for the international PALLAS study and serves on its steering committee. He is involved with the Breast Cancer Trials Scientific Advisory Committee and the Hunter Cancer Research Alliance Implementation Flagship Steering Committee.