Professor Mark Baker

Professor Mark Baker

Research Associate

Research Programs


Published 154 publications with over 11,000 citations in leading journals
Obtained the first ever UoN NHMRC Clinical Trials and Cohort as CIA awarded $1.12 million, 2023-2027)
Established local partnerships with VirtusHealth (Australia’s largest IVF provider and 4th largest in the work), Genea, and Family Planning NSW

Professor Mark Baker works on the impact that increased testicular heat stress (hyperthermia) has on both the development and production of spermatozoa.

His work specifically focuses on the ability of hypthermia to induce DNA damage, which consequently leads to poor embryo development or infertility in humans, mice, drosophlia, and C.Elegans.

He has produced a novel scrotal cooling device that is currently undergoing clinical trial evaluation to measure its impact on fertility both naturally and in an assisted conception environment.