Professor Vanessa McDonald

Professor Vanessa McDonald

Professor, University of Newcastle, Honorary Clinical Academic Nurse Consultant, Hunter New England

Research Programs

Vanessa McDonald is a Professor of Nursing in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Newcastle, Australia and an honorary clinical nurse consultant in the Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at John Hunter Hospital. She is Co-Director of the Centres of Excellence in Severe Asthma and Treatable Traits. Vanessa holds an honorary professorial appointment with the University of Manchester.

Her research interests are centred around the development of innovative approaches to the management of chronic airway diseases.  She is passionate about developing and implementing personalised medicine strategies that place the person at the centre of health care delivery. 

For over 25 years, Vanessa has developed expertise in respiratory clinical nursing practice and education, contributed extensively to respiratory health advocacy and health policy, and developed as an internationally recognised respiratory researcher.

She is committed to committed to improving the health and quality of life of people with lung disease in our region and internationally, and to the mission of lung health.