Associate Professor Shamasunder Acharya

Associate Professor Shamasunder Acharya

Lead, Diabetes Alliance Program Plus

Research Programs


Associate Professor Sham Acharya is well recognised for implementing NSW Health award-winning Diabetes Alliance Program across the Hunter New England Local Health District. This program has led to improved outcomes for several thousands of people with diabetes. He is actively involved in Primary Care education in diabetes both locally and internationally.

Sham trained in India, England, and Scotland before settling in Newcastle, NSW. He is a Joint Associate Professor at the University of Newcastle and has published numerous research articles. He is currently the Director of Endocrinology and Diabetes at John Hunter Hospital.

Sham is currently leading Diabetes Alliance Plus Program which will enhance diabetes alliance care to rural and remote parts of the Hunter New England region along with research in exercise, nutrition and mental health modules as well as economic and impact assessment with Hunter Medical Research Institute and University of Newcastle.

He has been awarded Staff Member of the Year 2016 HNELHD and received the NSW premier award for integrated care in the same year.

He has established a graduate certificate course in diabetes and endocrinology in India, and to date, more than 100 physicians have completed a 12-month training program. Regionally, more than 1900 attendees have participated in the Diabetes Alliance master class series, developed and delivered by Sham and his team.

He has established a graduate certificate course in diabetes and endocrinology in India and to date >100 physicians have completed a 12 months training program. Regionally more than 1900 attendees have participated in the Diabetes Alliance master class series, developed and delivered by Sham and his team.