Donate in memory

Donate in memory

Celebrate the life of a loved one with a lasting impact

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Losing a loved one is one of the hardest things we will ever face throughout our lives. While our grief can be heavy, it reflects the love we continue to have for those who are no longer with us. During these challenging times, many of us look for meaningful ways to honour our loved ones and their legacy.

A touching way to honour their memory is to donate towards medical research which can have a significant impact for generations to come.

Leaving a donation in memory will support the life-changing work of Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) to find cures and treatments for some of the biggest health challenges around our globe.

There are a few different ways you can celebrate the life of a loved one.

HMRI is grateful for every generous contribution made in the memory of others.

Donations can be directed towards a specific research area that is important to you, or we can allocate them to areas with the most need currently. You may wish to donate to mark a special one’s birthday, organise a group collection in lieu of flowers, or give a personal donation in the memory of a loved one.

Whichever you decide, we will do our best to respect your wishes. Our team is committed to ensuring that each gift made in their memory will continue to have a lasting impact.

HMRI Book of Remembrance

Located in our reception is the HMRI Book of Remembrance, where photos and tributes are collected of people who have supported HMRI in their Will or have had donations made in their memory. 

We welcome you to include a page about your loved one in the book. Families and friends are always welcome to visit and view the book at any time. 

We’re here to help

We understand this might be a difficult time. If any part of this process feels overwhelming or you would like to coordinate the donation process through our team, please reach out to us. 

We can talk you through your options and help take the stress out of organising your special tribute.

Contact our Philanthropy team on 1300 993 822 to discuss how we can help.

Organise your special tribute today

Other ways to support HMRI

Corporate Giving

Corporate giving

Learn how your organisation can support us or join our Corporate Giving Program

Regular giving

Become a regular giver

Sign up to become a regular monthly giver and support our life-changing research.



Join a fundraiser for HMRI or create your own and start raising life-changing funds today.

Gift in Will

Gift in Will

Learn more about adding HMRI as part of your will or estate planning.

Philanthropic gift

Philanthropic giving

Your philanthropic gift can help to transform the health of our communities, now and for the future. 


Make a one-off donation

Support HMRI’s life-changing medical research today by donating online.

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Our fundraising partners

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Research results

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