Possible breakthrough in viral respiratory disease prevention

Possible breakthrough in viral respiratory disease prevention

Possible breakthrough in viral respiratory disease prevention

A collaborative effort between HMRI and Noumi Ltd hopes to further explore the potential of PUREnFERRIN® Lactoferrin as a preventive treatment against common respiratory viruses. 

Possible breakthrough in viral respiratory disease prevention















A collaborative effort between HMRI and Noumi Ltd hopes to further explore the potential of PUREnFERRIN® Lactoferrin as a preventive treatment against common respiratory viruses. 

Viral respiratory diseases, including the likes of the common cold and influenza and COVID-19, are an ongoing challenge to public health. A promising breakthrough might be on the horizon with research into the development of a treatment based on lactoferrin, a protein found in milk.

The research, though in its preclinical stages, showcases the potential of lactoferrin as an antiviral agent in preventing respiratory diseases. 

Derived from milk, lactoferrin possesses a range of properties that underline its viability as an antiviral agent. These include binding to (and deactivating) viruses and bolstering the immune system by inhibiting viruses from invading cells. Its inherent safety and high tolerance levels highlight lactoferrin as a frontrunner for preventive treatments against viral respiratory illnesses. 

The brainchild of this promising solution is Professor Nathan Bartlett from HMRI in partnership with Noumi Ltd., an esteemed Australian enterprise with a speciality in extracting and purifying PUREnFERRIN® Lactoferrin. 

The venture has transitioned successfully beyond its first phase and now seeks funding to further explore the anti-viral efficacy and mechanism of action of PUREnFERRIN® in the respiratory tract. 

The successful culmination of this research could lead to an invaluable product such as a nasal spray designed to protect against viral respiratory diseases thereby offering a reduction in the incidence of common colds and flu-like illnesses as well as more severe diseases translating to a significant positive impact on public health. 

Professor Bartlett expressed his anticipation. “We are very excited about the potential of PUREnFERRIN® to prevent viral respiratory diseases. This is a promising new treatment that could have a significant impact on public health.” 

Echoing the sentiment, Michael Perich, Chief Executive Officer of Noumi Limited. “The health benefits of lactoferrin are well known, and our collaborative endeavour with the University of Newcastle is geared towards discovering even more therapeutic uses for this potent protein. The initial outcomes of our research are heartening, and we eagerly await the results of subsequent trials.” 

Worldwide, viral respiratory diseases are a prime cause of both morbidity and mortality. These encompass the common cold, influenza, COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses which present a spectrum of symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, and nasal congestion to more serious illnesses such as exacerbations of chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD, bronchitis and pneumonia. Current treatments, although varied, predominantly centre around symptom relief and prevention of severe outcomes. 

This lactoferrin nasal spray is attempting to pioneer a fresh strategy towards the prevention of these diseases. 

The ongoing research seeks to generate evidence to support the development of PUREnFERRIN® for this indication, with hopes that it becomes a significant tool in the fight against viral respiratory diseases. 

Professor Nathan Bartlett

Image: Professor Nathan Bartlett

