Your COVID Questions Answered

Your COVID Questions Answered

Lots of curiosity and questions surround COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccines.
So what’s fact and what is fiction. We put the call out on our social media channels for your COVID questions and had them answered by some of our leading experts in this space.

Lots of curiosity and questions surround COVID-19 and the vaccines.
So what’s fact and what is fiction. We put the call out on our social media channels for your COVID questions and had them answered by some of our leading experts in this space.

How many people have really died because of COVID vaccinations?
Should you get the Astrazeneca vaccine if you are under 40?
How does the COVID vaccine impact people with allergies?
Is the COVID vaccine considered experimental?

Watch the video to find out the answers to these questions and more!

Distinguished Laureate Professor Nick Talley – Gastroenterologist, epidemiologist, and Editor in Chief of the Medical Journal of Australia
Professor Peter Wark – Senior Staff Specialist in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at Hunter New England Health’s John Hunter Hospital
Associate Professor Nathan Bartlett – Virologist and Head of Viral Immunology and Respiratory Disease research group at HMRI and The University of Newcastle.

With many of us in NSW and beyond experiencing lockdown restrictions at the moment, maintaining good nutrition and eating habits is important during these periods where our routines can be disrupted.
Spending more time at home and boredom can lead to increased snacking and alcohol intake, while restricted movements can limit our opportunities to go to the shops and purchase food for our families, leading to the need to be more planned and prepared.

Laureate Professor Clare Collins, Australia’s most successful dietitian researcher and senior HMRI researcher addresses some of these issues in our latest COVID Q&A video.

  • How can we plan our meals more effectively to minimise our trips to the shops? (0.50)
  • With us staying inside more, should we be worried about vitamin D deficiency? (4.18)
  • How can we minimise our amount of snacking during lockdown? (7.10)
  • Are there any foods that can boost our immune system and prevent us from catching viruses? (12.50)
  • What are some of the benefits of cooking at home on our health? (17.37)
  • Tips for people who find they are drinking more alcohol during lockdown? (21.46)

Watch the video above to find out the answers to these questions!

Are you missing the gym because of lockdown? Perhaps having trouble staying motivated to exercise at home?

We asked HMRI and The University of Newcastle physical activity researcher Professor David Lubans some of the common questions people have been asking about maintaining fitness and exercising during lockdown when we don’t have access to gyms and our movements away from home are restricted.

Questions covered and their timestamps include:

– My gym is closed, what can I do at home to exercise that requires no equipment? (0.54s)

– I usually lift weights at the gym, how can I maintain my strength when I don’t have access to my gym and how fast will I lose strength? (4m 51s)

– What can I do to keep my kids active when they don’t have access to their weekend sport? (10m 55s)

– I’ve been walking around my neighborhood for exercise during lockdown, how can I make it more challenging or interesting? (14m 44s)

